December 12, 2018: Wow! It's been such a long time since I've posted anything to this blog! I figured I'd better get re-started, or just give it up. Here is the restart.

One reason I haven't posted more is that I've never been convinced that anything I say has world-wide appeal, worthy of a web page. Perhaps today is the day for that to change.

There can be no question that I've been blessed. I would have said "far more than I deserve", except that would imply that I deserve anything, which I don't. What I usually tell people is that, if I were any more blessed than I am, I'd have to come up with a good excuse for it. I think I'll just stick with that.

Just one of my current blessings is my current Bible study, "Every Man a Warrior" by Lonnie Berger. I'm studying this series with Pastor Rodney Navey of Calvary Church. I'm blessed every time I open the book, every time I open my Bible, and every minute I spend with Rodney. I cannot recommend this study series enough. If you're a pastor, you need to be taking your men through this study. If you're a man whose pastor doesn't know about this study series, show him this blog! If you can't find anyone who has already done this study and is available to be your mentor, gather a group of friends and work through it together. You will be blessed!

Speaking of blessings, take a look at 1 Peter 1:3-4. These verses are a wonderful reminder of the blessings we have in Christ, if we have faith in Him. It's not as if we don't know, but we need to be reminded now and again how amazingly and completely we have been loved by our God and saved through Jesus.

What's next in my blogging career? Good question! When I come up with a good answer, I'll let you know! For now, I will publicly state my intention to keep it up, and to post more regularly.

Of this I'm sure: I will most likely stay away from political debates. The digital ink currently being spilled over all manner of political issues is far more than sufficient, and I doubt very much my ability to add anything really new or noteworthy to such debates. We are, I'm sorry to say, in such a political climate at the present time that almost any political opinion serves only to divide people, and fails to unite or inform.

Far too little, however, is being said about the great blessings to be found in a life of faith and communion with Jesus, and that seems to be a much more profitable way to spend my time thinking and writing.

As I've written this post, however, I've also had an idea for another blog, an alternate format where I can share some of my Bible study writings. If that comes to fruition, look for the announcement and link here.

UPDATE: my Bible study blog is here: